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People Walking

equity & 
inclusion training

DEI Vision Setting: where are we going?

Through facilitated dialogue and assessment, we determine the key performance metrics that our DEI program will strive to achieve. This foundational meeting will shape the remainder of the DEI program’s focus. The KPIs we set will constantly be revisited to determine the effectiveness of the DEI program and implementation strategies. 


Effective Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training is focused on creating a culture of inclusion and belonging. DEI work is not just about highlighting differences, but rather, how to navigate differences so people can work together smoothly and effectively. 


DEI work is very personal. Because each individual comes to the table with different leadership and learning styles, as well as their own unique identity, my goal is to meet learners where they are at. The training is designed to inspire leaders through DEI training to align the work not only with their organization’s vision/values but also with their own.  


DEI work is founded are these four basic principles:  Self-awareness, Psychological-safety, Radical-ownership, and Vision


Self-awareness: Self-awareness, or the ability to recognize and understand your own emotions, is a foundational DEI skill. Beyond just recognizing emotions, however, is being absolutely aware of the effect your actions, moods, and emotions have on others around you. 

Psychological safety: At its most basic level, psychological safety is the belief that you won’t be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes. When psychological safety exists in the workplace, people feel comfortable being themselves. They are able to lay all of themselves on the line and take risks. 

Radical ownership: This means taking absolute and full responsibility for our thoughts, words, and resulting actions/inaction. It’s understanding what our values are and knowing that those values guide how we think, say, do, or don’t do. 

Vision Setting: Our goals and objectives guide our work and must be in alignment. If our vision isn’t clear and aligned, then our work won’t be as effective. 

These principles form the foundation of DEI training and provide an important common ground so leaders can successfully implement new behaviors/strategies. 


DEI Training Experience 

The DEI training experience is designed to be engaging, meaningful, and relevant. Courses are tailored to an organization’s needs and provide practical application. Programs are designed to offer tools/resources that participants can immediately use to positively impact their workplace. 

core diversity, equity, and conclusion training topics  

Foundational DEI 

The Foundational DEI course is designed to introduce the importance of diversity, equity, access, inclusion, and belonging on both an individual and organizational level.  Participants will not only share about their own identity and how it shows up in the workplace but also create a plan of action that they can commit to in order to foster a more inclusive workplace. 

unconscious bias

We discover what unconscious bias is and how it differs from implicit and explicit bias. We examine how unconscious bias shows up in our day-to-day interactions and discover ways to not only understand our own personal biases but also commit to managing them. 

Emotional intelligence 10

Self-awareness is one of the core behaviors of inclusive leaders. Self-awareness can cause us to activate inclusive behaviors by becoming more in tune with how our behaviors can be affecting those around us. This training will allow each participant to not only assess their level of self-awareness but also to develop a personal action plan that results in more inclusivity.  


This course explores day-to-day steps that leaders can take to support marginalized groups in the workplace. Participants will not only understand the importance of allyship but also get hands-on experience in practicing how to be an ally through various interactive scenarios. 

Psychological safety 

Feeling safe enough to be ourselves at work is one of the foundational principles of making diversity work. In this course, we not only examine what psychological safety is, but we also determine the degree to which it exists in the workplace. The course concludes with practical discussions on how to increase psychological safety in your organization’s workplace. 

communication dynamics

Learning how to communicate with individuals who have different identities is key to navigating our ever-changing workplace. In this course, participants will understand the fundamental components of communication. Participants will also develop strategies and tools on how to be aware of their own communication styles and set goals on how to communicate more inclusively. 

These are possible training topics that can be customized to develop a unique DEI program for your organization. Having a holistic training approach ensures that DEI measures have buy-in and achieve measurable results. 

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